Aging-Out of Foster Care
2021 Statistics: 423,000 children are in Foster Care today! Many Male teens are aging out of foster care every day and need a safe home to transition into healthy adulthood.

More than 23,000 children will age out of the US foster care system in California.
After reaching the age of 18, 20% of the children who were in foster care will become instantly homeless.
Only 1 out of every 2 foster kids who age out of the system will have some form of gainful employment by the age of 24. There is less than a 3% chance for children who have aged out of foster care to earn a college degree at any point in their life.
Our target is in-risk homeless young people who are less likely to transition successfully into adulthood. Success can include academic success and job readiness, as well as the ability to be financially independent. It also can refer to the ability to become a positive member of society by avoiding a life of crime. We will look at factors that lead to children being identified as in-risk and how those factors can adversely affect successful transition into adulthood.
In-risk homeless teenager means a person under twenty years of age who resides in a neighborhood in which there is a preponderance of poverty, unemployment and underemployment, substance abuse, crime, school dropouts, a significant public assistance population, teen pregnancies and teen parents, or other conditions that put families at risk.
An aged-out of Foster Care homeless young adult in-risk is a person 20-24 years of age who has aged-out of the Foster Care system, not in school, don’t have a job and nowhere to call home is less likely to transition successfully into the positive role of adulthood.